HehhEeEhEE 'lie like a rug'.
like it!
i have thought a lot about what to say when i am approached.
it will kill my fade, but oh well.. "after the new light i had to test my faith and i couldn't prove to myself that the slave was limited to the governing body.".
if cornered by an elder...."can you prove to me from the scriptures that matt.
HehhEeEhEE 'lie like a rug'.
like it!
undoubtely the biggest crime in watchtower world is apostacy.
the upcoming dc apparently has quite some parts on this issue.. recently i read a book from the philosopher hubert schleichert, the title is something like "how to discuss with fundumantelist without loosing your mind".. he goes into fanatics of all kind, and shows, why apostates are so dangerous for any ideology, may it be religious or even political.. the reason: any strong ideology is convinced of possesing the truth.
this creates a problem, since apparantly not everybody accepts this belief or ideology.
Great quote punk, it'd be awesome to whip this article out just before the apostate talks at the DC to show the missus.
AlthoughI suspect my cover may be ever so slightly blown if I did.......
i have thought a lot about what to say when i am approached.
it will kill my fade, but oh well.. "after the new light i had to test my faith and i couldn't prove to myself that the slave was limited to the governing body.".
if cornered by an elder...."can you prove to me from the scriptures that matt.
@skinnedsheep - I feel the same as you, I've been preparing what to say to anyone who starts to ask why I'm not responding to their concern, missing more meetings etc, for MONTHS now.
I think all of those things you've said are spot on, BUT I'd only be willing to say these things to my wife and parents, or to VERY close friends and only after I've asked them if they REALLY want to know, and stipulate you're not trying to destroy anyone elses faith, but just that yours is faltering right now.
If you vocalise any of these concerns to an elder you will become their immediate project for strengthening/upbuilding.
Isn't it ridiculous that we have to play this game.
here it is.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4sednn9nli.
cheers Jeff, data dog, and fade to black, good suggestions all, and ones I'll certainly be trying to weedle in somewhere or other...
here i am, getting old and having my teeth and fillings (literally!
) falling apart now, and barely any dental coverage.
i just feel so sad and pissed off that i didn't do more when i was a jw and actually had coverage at the time.... .
@muddy waters, I'm wit'ya bro, I wish I'd gotten mine done too...but then I'm British so it doesn't really matter does it?!
here it is.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4sednn9nli.
Hmmmmm I wonder if I could wangle in a discussion about name calling and ad hominem attacks with the missus before the DC this year.....
Now how am I gonna bring THAT up?!
are they allowed to vomit all their jw crap everywhere on fb?
i know they aren't supposed to have jw forums so i figured the same would apply to fb but not sure.. if there are any references, that would be great.
I remember as an elder sitting in the CO elders meeting, the body being TOLD that "NO elder or miserable serpent would want to/should have a facebook account." I had one, and thought to myself, 'who dyou think you ARE laying down LAWS like that? Pointing out guidelines and dangers, fair enough, but stipulating a NEGATORY on that, whatever!!'
I kept it, still have it, and I've seen the attitudes relax towards it as well, I think possibly as it's expanded from just individuals to businesses, organisations, bands and the like, it's a bit more mainstream. (wonder if there'll ever be a society FB account?! doubtful.)
As to maintaining contact with individuals who have df/da/faded, there were times as I was awakening that I would've loved to comment on a couple of individuals videos/statuses/comments, but to do so would've outed myself so I couldn't. So maybe we should always keep witness friends on facebook, you never know what effect you may be having even if you don't find out about it until years later.
(there are still people who have used this forum who know me but don't know me on here!! I would love to be able to friend them on facebook but it would be a clear sign to all my other contacts.. what ridiculous political wriggling we do......)
here it is.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4sednn9nli.
got halfway through and gave up, I can't listen to it knowing that I'm gonna have to sit through it all again in the summer...
dear brethren ;.
it is maintained by some of the friends in the ecclesia.
that the watchtower teaches that the study of the.
The witnesses read and study all the Watchtower magazine, not just parts of it, like some professed Christians who limit their Bible reading to the last one fourth of the Bible and brush aside as outdated the first three fourths of it.
-Watchtower, August 1, 1956 page 452
WOW, not seen that one before, what an odd quote, cheers Caleb!
dear brethren ;.
it is maintained by some of the friends in the ecclesia.
that the watchtower teaches that the study of the.
It is maintained by some of the friends in the ecclesia
that THE WATCHTOWER teaches that the study of THE
WATCTHOWER at this time is more important than the study
of the Volumes. In fact, there is evidence of an increasing
disregard for Volume study. We find that many of the
friends in various classes are doing less and less home reading
of the Volumes.
Since I do not find that THE WATCTOWER takes such
a stand, I would be glad to have you give me a direct expression
as to what we shall understand THE WATCTHOWER
does hold. I am sure it will be a great help in maintaining
that oneness of spirit in the ecclesia and may incidentally
be of blessing to other friends.
Ever praying that the Lord may continue to guide and
bless your labors of love, I am, by his grace your brother
in his service. , Calif.
Replying to the above letter: The policy of the SOCIETY
has not changed in this respect whatsoever. We urge the
brethren everywhere to keep up their Berean studies, using
This has been the policy of the SOCIETY at all times, and
we feel sure that it is important that the classes continue
in the same way.
Watchtower Feb 1st 1925, p44
(italics and capitals all exactly as in the article.)
Interesting and shameful that there's not one reference to reading the holy scriptures, only their own publications..